Roger tries out a fast and strong dot’n’dab drywall fixing solution from Corefix and is very impressed with the performance. Watch our YouTube video and see for yourself.
Dot & Dab Wall Fixing Solution
- Suitable for most modern homes with plasterboard/dot & dab walls
- Trusted and independently tested incredibly strong fixing, 90kg safe working load
- Fast installation, no specialist tools required, drill, 10mm bit, hammer & screwdriver
- For all wall types, brick, block and lightweight concrete
A bracket can be fixed using Corefix within 50 seconds, watch the video directly above if you don’t believe us, it really is that quick!
Product performance has been independently tested and verified. In-house tested to over 250kg on four fixings with a safe working load of 90kg. Test results can be viewed on our technical datasheet.
Where To Use Corefix
The product was developed to safely secure wall hung kitchen cabinets but it will support any heavy load on a dot & dab wall, to include but not exclusively, wall hung cabinets, large screen TVs, boilers, radiators, sanitaryware & heavy duty shelving.
Required for most modern houses
Obtaining a secure fixing to a drylined (dot and dab) wall is notoriously difficult. Corefix solves this problem by securing the load to the solid wall behind, and not to the plasterboard.
Huge Load Rating
Tested to over 250kg (without failure) with a safe working load of 90kg based on 4 x Corefix fixings. Corefix has been independently tested for tensile and sheer strength with its performance verified.
Robust and Dependable
With Corefix the load is supported by the solid wall behind, not the plasterboard. Corefix is well-engineered using quality materials and heavy-duty components, with the metal parts being plated for corrosion resistance.
Superfast installation
Very quick and easy installation with no specialist tools required. All that is needed is a 10mm drill, hammer and screwdriver. The straight-forward fixing system comprised of a patented plug, metal insert and single screw.
Corefix is Ideal for
Wall mounted large screen TV’s, wall hung cabinets, shelves, boilers, radiators, sanitaryware and much more! Corefix has been designed for drylined walls but is also suitable for other wall construction types.
No more bowed Plasterboard
Corefix bridges the void between plasterboard and the solid wall behind with STEEL thereby preventing the plasterboard from crushing into the void (as is common with many other types of fixing).
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