Hard Hat Awareness Week 2023

🔗 https://hardhatawarenessweek.com

Hard Hat Awareness Week 2023
12th – 18th June 2023

Hard Hat Awareness Week was introduced to drive brain injury awareness through activities encouraging best practices around safety equipment.

The impact of a brain injury can be life-changing for the injured person and their wider family and friends.

Wearing a hard hat, maintaining and storing it appropriately, and being more concussion and head injury aware are all vital to keeping hard hat wearers safe.

We want to remind people about the importance of wearing hard hats and taking any impact on the head seriously.

Even a minor brain injury can significantly impact, so take time to stop work, report the incident and recover fully before returning to work.

About Dylan Garton

Dylan Garton is a co-founder, video producer and editor for the Skill Builder social media platforms.

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