Cracked Ceiling, Leaks & Water Hammer – ASB #17

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ADS Retaining Wall Drainage Installation –

Chris Hanson’s garden slopes a bit and he’s going to have it excavated and build retaining walls and asks if he needs a perforated pipe for drainage with gravel behind each wall.

Hazem Zohny is doing a complete renovation of his bathroom with Abacus Elements Board and wonders how to make the different thickness of boards meet level.

Jon Moller lives in a rented property that has a row of 3 concrete garages and has problems with leaking.

Michael Hanson found vertical boards in his loft and wants to know if they are structural and would like to take them out.

Phil Carr is experiencing a minor bit of ‘water hammer’ in his pipework and research led him to use Mini-Resters (water arresters) but he notices that his flex lines seem to move.

Steve Clouston has a problem with his living room ceiling cracking in the Artex and the entire ceiling is uneven.

About Dylan Garton

Dylan Garton is a co-founder, video producer and editor for the Skill Builder social media platforms.

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