Building Regs Part L Changes 2022. The Ugly Truth?

Roger has taken a deep dive into the updated Part L of the building regulations for 2022.


This page holds the current and future guidance covering the energy efficiency requirements of the building regulations as set out in Part L of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations and in a number of specific building regulations.


Latest Changes to Part L Building Regulations from ARC Building Solutions

Do you know about the latest changes to Part L Building Regulations?

The changes are part of the Government’s step toward its target to deliver Zero Carbon Ready Homes by 2025.

From 15th June 2022, all new homes must produce 31% less CO2 emissions than what is currently acceptable in the present Part L regulations. Therefore, the construction of new dwellings must comply with the increased energy performance standards as set in the new regulations.

An on-site audit will be required to confirm that the designed details have been constructed, and photographs must be taken as evidence to form the BREL report.

What is Thermal Bridging? Why is it a concern for CO2 emissions?

A “thermal bridge” (also known as a “cold bridge”) is a disruption in a building’s thermal wrapping, such as a gap in insulation. Thermal bridging causes heat loss and condensation. Heat loss has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of a building, making this a crucial problem to target to reduce CO2 emissions.

How can Thermal Bridging be reduced?

Insulation must be continuous. This applies to areas such as walls, roofs, windows & doors, and the junctions between these areas. For example: Roof insulation should be continuous with wall insulation. The regulations advise that “opportunities should be considered to use products that help to reduce thermal bridges”.


About Dylan Garton

Dylan Garton is a co-founder, video producer and editor for the Skill Builder social media platforms.

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